Additional Role Criteria
In order to work out what mandatory e-learning you need to complete as part of your role please click any additional criteria that apply to your role. (Click again to remove.)
Your Mandatory E-Learning
Based upon being Police Staff and any 'additional role criteria' you have selected:
(This list shows all required e-learning both complete and incomplete. To see what you have already completed click here.)
Additional learning by role criteria (if selected):
Please note: If you carry out multiple roles i.e. you are also a Special Constable please check the appropriate section, there may be other packages you need to complete.
For a definitive guide and full explanations of Mandated e-learning click here. (Intranet Only)
Your Mandatory E-Learning
Based upon being a PCSO:
(This list shows all required e-learning both complete and incomplete. To see what you have already completed click here.)
Please note: If you carry out multiple roles i.e. you are also a Special Constable please check the appropriate section, there may be other packages you need to complete.
For a definitive guide and full explanations of Mandated e-learning click here. (Intranet Only)
Additional Role Criteria
In order to work out what mandatory e-learning you need to complete as part of your role please click any additional criteria that apply to your role. (Click again to remove.)
Your Mandatory E-Learning
Based upon being a Police Officer and any 'additional role criteria' you have selected:
(This list shows all required e-learning both complete and incomplete. To see what you have already completed click here.)
Additional learning by role criteria (if selected):
Please note: If you carry out multiple roles i.e. you are also a Police Staff member please check the appropriate section, there may be other packages you need to complete.
For a definitive guide and full explanations of Mandated e-learning click here. (Intranet Only)
Additional Role Criteria
In order to work out what mandatory e-learning you need to complete as part of your role please click any additional criteria that apply to your role. (Click again to remove.)
Your Mandatory E-Learning
Based upon being a Special Constable and any 'additional role criteria' you have selected:
(This list shows all required e-learning both complete and incomplete. To see what you have already completed click here.)
Additional learning by role criteria (if selected):
Please note: If you carry out multiple roles i.e. you are also a Police Staff member please check the appropriate section, there may be other packages you need to complete.
For a definitive guide and full explanations of Mandated e-learning click here. (Intranet Only)